Campus walkway and benches

Counseling Services

College can be a demanding and stressful experience. Balancing academics, athletics, work, family, 社交生活充满挑战,常常需要发展新的人际关系方式, thinking, and behaving. Sometimes adjusting to these changes requires additional support. Counseling can assist you in learning and applying new skills to use in everyday life. 咨询服务中心的咨询师可以帮助您解决您的问题,或者将您介绍给可以为您提供额外帮助的人. 我们提供双语(西班牙语)咨询服务以及lgbtqas2 +确认.

Appointments are available Mon-Fri from 8am to 4pm. Typically appointments will take up to an hour but can vary in length. 请准时赴约,准备好你想要讨论的内容, what your goals are for the session, and by participating.

To schedule an Initial Intake Assessment please use the drop down menu below.  If you are unable to find a day/time that works for you please call us at 267-341-3222 or email  

Each semester students seeking services complete an initial intake assessment session.  本课程的重点是了解学生的心理健康问题,并就哪些支持/治疗可能有帮助提出建议.

Schedule a Counseling Service

Please click the link below of the person you would like to schedule with:

Sr. Faustina, CSFN (Nicole Ferko, MA)

Diomarys Nunez, LPC, PMH-C 

Anne Spencer, LPC

If you are having difficulty scheduling contact us at:    

Leave your name, student ID #, and the best number to contact you back.

What to expect after booking the Initial Intake Assessment

You will receive notice confirming your booking and be sent forms to complete. These forms are required and assist us in preparing for your appointment. 您的第一次预约是与有执照的心理学家或心理健康顾问进行初始摄入评估会议,他们将听取您的担忧并确定最佳行动计划. 这个会话通常需要45分钟,但可能需要2个会话来确定最适合您的支持类型和级别.

During this session, the Counselor will discuss treatment recommendations and answer any questions you have. The process is collaborative and based on the information you provide to the Counselor.

Take a Check-Up from the Neck-Up

Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.8255

Mental health is key to your overall well-being. It is helpful to check up on your mental health periodically.

进行筛查将帮助你确定你或你关心的人是否应该与心理健康专家联系. Screenings are free, anonymous, and confidential! Take a checkup from your neck up with ULifeline's online evaluation tool.

Counseling Services Mission

心理咨询服务的使命是促进和支持心理健康和情绪健康,提高学生的心理素质, social, and emotional development. 这是通过意识和预防教育以及技能发展来实现的,这些教育和技能发展可以让学生更好地自我反思, problem solve, cope with difficult emotions, and establish healthy relationships and interactions with themselves and others. 

Scope of Service

十大网络彩票平台大全的咨询服务为在校学生提供免费和保密的服务, 全日制学生和兼职学生由中心主任决定. We provide services that are central to the overall mission of the university. 这些服务本质上是短期的,旨在帮助学生在学业上取得成功,并充分发挥他们的潜能.

服务的重点是通过教育和了解学生的想法,提高他们的应对技能,发展他们的心理健康和情绪健康, feelings, experiences, 人际关系,做出健康的改变,以积极的方式影响他们的生活.

我们努力在一个欢迎和舒适的氛围中为所有学生提供这些服务, regardless of race, sex, gender identity, ethnic background, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or ability. Decisions about the services that each student is eligible for and receives, 是由学生和辅导员共同制定的,并且完全基于治疗需求.

All services provided by the center are free and confidential.

If a student is currently in treatment with a mental health provider, 在他们目前的治疗提供者和其中一位咨询师进行咨询之前,他们不应该考虑将他们的治疗转移到我们中心的咨询师那里. 咨询服务机构可能无法提供与他们目前接受的服务相媲美的服务,也无法提供与所需要的持续护理水平相匹配的服务. 

Services for Faculty and Staff

咨询中心为想要讨论学生心理健康问题和转诊援助的教职员工提供咨询. 该中心还为教职员工提供有关照顾和转介困难学生的培训. 此外,该中心还提供与心理健康和健康主题相关的节目. 请填写培训和演示申请表,以进一步讨论潜在的合作.

然而,该中心不向十大网络彩票平台大全的教师提供咨询服务, staff, or administrators. 法律和道德准则禁止“双重关系”,因此咨询中心的工作人员不适合为同事提供专业服务.

咨询中心的工作人员愿意根据个人的要求提供更广泛的转介资源. However, 十大网络彩票平台大全为全职和兼职符合条件的员工提供保密的员工援助计划,提供生活指导和咨询,包括但不限于心理健康和福祉援助,包括药物和酒精咨询. For more information, employees can refer to the Holy Family Benefits Portal, or contact human resources for guidance.

In addition, 符合条件的雇员可以通过PAISBOA健康福利信托基金提供的健康保险享受保密的心理健康福利, and administered by Independence Blue Cross, by contacting 1-800-688-1911. 此外,校园部长可作为资源,并可在267-341-3261联系.

Other external resources include

员工可以拨打“第一次求助电话”,这是联合劝募协会的免费保密转介服务,为期3年,000 local health and human services agencies. Representatives are available for phone consultations Monday-Friday, 8:30AM- 5:00PM. Also a message service is available evenings, holidays, and weekends: Contact 211 via phone, or text your zip code to 898-211 for assistance.

药物滥用和精神健康服务协会(SAMHSA)全国帮助热线是1-800-662- HELP(4357)。, (也称为治疗转介路由服务)或TTY: 1-800- 487-4889是保密的, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information.


For Mental Health Crisis On-Campus - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

  • Come to Counseling Services Center and tell us you need immediate assistance.
  • 拨打公共安全电话267-341-3333,以帮助您获得紧急心理健康援助.

For Off-Campus & After Hours Mental Health Crisis

  • Call 911
  • Go to your nearest emergency room
  • Call Mental Health Delegate/Mobile Crisis in your community
  • Philadelphia Mental Health Delegates can be reached at 215-685-6440)
  • 拨打或发短信给全国预防自杀生命线988或1-800-273-8255/发短信到741-741. This service is available 24/7.

Counseling Services

Holy Family University